Islamic Studies Research Journal Abḥāth <p style="text-align: justify; background: white; margin: 10.5pt 0cm .0001pt 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: #424242; letter-spacing: .75pt;"><strong>Aim and Scope:</strong></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify; background: white; margin: 10.5pt 0cm .0001pt 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: #424242; letter-spacing: .75pt;">Abḥāth provides a forum for the dissemination of findings related to social issues and various aspects of society in Islamic perspective. The journal aims to enhance the understanding of social, environmental and cultural factors affecting individuals and society as well. The journal welcomes articles from all disciplines allied to Social Sciences. Importance is given to original and empirical research. 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For main headings, font size for English should be 14 and for Arabic and Urdu 16 but for sub headings should be 12 for English and 14 for Arabic and Urdu in bold form. The manuscript should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Authors should also supply a shortened version of the title suitable for the running head, not exceeding 50 characters space. All article (Eng, Urdu, Arabi) should be summarized in an abstract of not more than 250 words in English with Standard transliteration. </span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: #424242; letter-spacing: .75pt;">Manuscripts including tables, figures, illustrations and references, should be prepared in accordance with the publication Manual of Chicago Style. The references should be given as footnote.</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><strong><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: #424242; letter-spacing: .75pt;">Review Policy: </span></strong></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: #424242; letter-spacing: .75pt;">The journal follows the double-blind peer-reviewing policy.</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><strong><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: #424242; letter-spacing: .75pt;">Message of Chief Editor:</span></strong></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: #424242; letter-spacing: .75pt;">Quarterly Abḥāth is a forum for the dissemination of findings related to social issues and various aspects of society in Islamic perspective. The journal aims to enhance the understanding of social, environmental and cultural factors affecting individuals and society as well. The journal welcomes articles from all disciplines allied to Social Sciences. Importance is given to original and empirical research. However, comprehensive and up-to-date reviewed articles are also considered for publication.</span></p> en-US (Dr Muhammad Waris Ali) (Hafiz Irfanullah) Sun, 23 Jun 2024 04:32:02 +0500 OJS 60 امام ترمذی کی اصطلاح ’’حسن‘‘ کا تحقیقی جائزہ <p>Scholars have differed in the definition of " Ḥasan" tradition in &nbsp;the principles of ḥadith, many scholars have given different definitions of it. Imām Tirmidhī also has a different definition of ḥasan. Scholars have disagreed with Imām Tirmidhī in clarifying the correct meaning of this term. It is the result of his theoretical evaluation of the term Imām. The real situation is that Imām Tirmidhī has used this term in several meanings. This can be known to the researcher who has first carefully examined the original definition of Imām Tirmidhī, and later studied Jāmi Tirmidhī in such a way that Imām Tirmidhī has applied this term to which traditions. The researcher will understand the correct meaning of Imām Tirmidhī.</p> Naveed Ahmad, Muhammad Ullah Copyright (c) 2024 Islamic Studies Research Journal Abḥāth Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0500 علامہ ابن فارس کے رسالہ سیرت أوجز السير لخير البشرکا مطالعہ <p>History of Islamic Scholarship is replete with countless writings on Sirah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW).These belong to all periods of Islamic history and all regions of Muslim world. These writings cover various topics and aspects of Sirah. These are also in different types like Nazam, Nasar and different sizes of books , monographs , pamphlets, and other shapes. Short Sirah books are one of them which cover important information about Sirah in a few pages. Ibn Faris (395 AH) is pioneer of this type of Sirah writings and author of very first known book of this kind. His book titled “<em>Awjaz al-Sīyar li-Khayr al-Bashar</em>” had a great impact on coming Sirah writers which include great names like Ibn Salah, al Sohaili,&nbsp; al Zahbi, Ibn Sayed al Nass , Ibn Nasir ud Din al Damishqi and many more. They derived his data , information, and unique dates of Sirah events which Ibn Faris fixed very minutely. His short book was quoted, commented, rhymed and translated in other language.&nbsp;&nbsp; This article deals with information regarding its manuscripts, publications, impact on later books, unique qualities and a detailed review of its text (Matan). Article includes analysis of its text and methodology(Manhaj) of author. This article contributes in elaborating Sirah sources and compiling detailed history of Sirah writings in Arabic language.</p> Muhammad Aleem, Ali Tariq Copyright (c) 2024 Islamic Studies Research Journal Abḥāth Sat, 29 Jun 2024 02:45:26 +0500 نبوت و ولایت مکتوبات امام ربانی کی روشنی میں ایک جائزہ <p>"Prophethood and sainthood are two separate stations. Imam Rabani (may God have mercy on him) has clearly explained that sainthood, no matter how high it may be, cannot reach the level of prophethood. The prophethood of a prophet is superior to his sainthood. Some Sufis consider sainthood to be superior to prophethood because it involves a direct connection with God, whereas prophethood involves a connection with creation. However, Imam Rabani rejects this view. Similarly, he has divided sainthood into different levels, including secondary and primary sainthood, and has explained the levels of sainthood of the prophets and the Muhammadan and Ahmadic sainthood." "In your opinion, the Muhammadan sainthood is superior to all other sainthoods, but you say that after a thousand years, the Muhammadan sainthood has been transferred to the Ahmadic sainthood, and now the Ahmadic sainthood is superior."</p> Usman Haider, Humayun Abbas Copyright (c) 2024 Islamic Studies Research Journal Abḥāth Sat, 29 Jun 2024 03:21:08 +0500 حکمت کے قریب المعنی قرآنی اصطلاح” الحلم“: تفسیری مطالعہ <p>The Holy Qurān is a book of wisdom. And it hides vast knowledge of wisdom within itself. Al-Ḥikma is an important term of the Holy Qurān which is used in different places in the Holy Qurān. It has different connotations and meanings depending on the context. Similarly, there are some terms in the Holy Qur'an whose meaning and meanings show that these various terms are a part of wisdom and an attribute of it. In terms of its broad meaning, the term al-Ḥikma has the status of a Whole And some special Qur'anic terms are its components or parts or attributes. It would be more appropriate to say that Allah gives a person complete wisdom and someone is given partial wisdom. By this, we mean to find these special Qurānic terms or Qurānic attributes. One of these attributes is the attribute of al-Ḥilm. And this is also close to wisdom in terms of meaning and definition. A person in whom this attribute is found is as if he is given an attribute of wisdom, i.e. he becomes the owner of a part of wisdom. And this ownership is only given by Allah. In this Research paper, it has been explained that the attributes of wisdom are found within the term al-Ḥilm. And the term al-Halim in the Qur'an is relative and connotated to the Qurāni Term of al-Ḥikma.</p> Irfan Qaiser, Ali Shan Copyright (c) 2024 Islamic Studies Research Journal Abḥāth Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0500 اردونعت میں اقتباس حدیث کی روایت کا تحقیقی مطالعہ <p>abs</p> Muhammad Shahzad Copyright (c) 2024 Islamic Studies Research Journal Abḥāth Sun, 30 Jun 2024 17:18:00 +0500 تطبيقات إستراتيجيات الترجمة لـ " منى بيكر" في ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم <p>Allah Almighty revealed the Holy Qur'an on the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with the message of Islam to take the humankind out of darkness into the light guidance. Translation plays an effective role to disseminate the divine message and the teaching of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to the humankind in various languages. Translating the Holy Qur'an is a challenging job. Only those scholars who have sufficient knowledge about the terminologies relating to Qur'anic studies in addition to other translation skills can carry out the translating process for Qur'an’s text.</p> <p>This research paper primarily discusses the importance of translation to disseminate the teachings of Holy Qur'an to the humankind. It also focuses on the answer of the question about the legitimacy of the translation of the Holy Quran through some arguments based on the Qur'anic verses, Hadiths and Juristic laws. In addition to that, it highlights various challenges and problems facing translators while translating the text of the Holy Qur'an. It also deliberates some translation strategies and methods by Mona Baker to deal with these challenges indicating to some adequate solutions for rendering the text of Qur'an. It mentions some reasons that cause occurring mistakes while translating the text of Quran. It contains some recommendations and suggestions by mentioning some mechanisms at individual and collective level for taking initiatives towards the translating process for Quran’s text.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Copyright (c) 2024 Islamic Studies Research Journal Abḥāth Sat, 29 Jun 2024 07:00:52 +0500 SOCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN PERSPECTIVE OF SEERAH <p>Social risk management means the identification, analysis, and mitigation of potential risks or challenges that arise within a society. It involves understanding the vulnerabilities and potential negative impacts on social well-being and implementing strategies to minimize these risks and promote resilience. The concept of socialist management can be derived from the Sea of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). Various incidents and actions from the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) can be understood through this lens. During the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the Arabian society faced numerous social challenges and risks. The Prophet, through his teachings and actions, effectively managed and mitigated these risks to bring about positive social change. Here are some examples of how social risk management principles can be observed in the Seerah: Just like Bait-Ul-Uqba Uola and Saniah, Migration to Habshah, Migration from Mecca to Madina, Pact of Madina, digging of Trench, Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. Social risk Management in Pakistan like Earth quake, floods, drought or Famine, wildfire, tropical cyclone, COVID-19 pandemic, dialogue and agreement with enemies can be solved seeking gaudiness from the Seerah.</p> Muhammad Arshad, Hafiz Muhammad Sajjad Copyright (c) 2024 Islamic Studies Research Journal Abḥāth Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0500 Economic Policies of Developed Countries in the Perspective of Islamic Teachings: <p>The real status of wealth in the Islamic perspective is just a worldly thing like all other things, which will be ended definitely with the ending of this mortal world. But no doubt that all the done deeds in this world will be there in the immortal world whether these are virtues or evils with rewards by Allah Almighty. As knowing that, this world is the biggest factory of mortal lives having unlimited necessities and yearnings of these same lives. And to fulfill the requirements of daily routine lives wealth is needed, therefore it remains in unending circulation throughout the whole national and international economic societies whether designated by Islamic or non-Islamic policymakers. But Islamic teachings prospect a fact phenomenon about finances.</p> Kalim Ullah, Aisha Perveen Copyright (c) 2024 Islamic Studies Research Journal Abḥāth Sat, 29 Jun 2024 06:51:21 +0500