• Shamsa Kanwal Phd Scholar, Superior University Lahore. Assistant Professor, Govt Islamia Graduate College (W), Lahore Cantt.
Keywords: Islam, Peace, Religion, Tolerance, Harmony


Many scholars have researched on the topic. They have talked about its significance and its requisition. But, they have dealt with this topic in general. This study has focused on the significance and requisition of Religious Tolerance in a Pakistani Society, in particular. As well as, unlikely the past researches where it was discussed particularly referring to an Inter-Religion tolerance; the main focus of this study was the Intra-Religion Tolerance. It was analytical in nature, and is descriptive in its mode of expression. Qualitative mode of research has been used. The researchers supported their arguments from the principle and primary sources including the Holy Qur'an, Hadith, and the previous researches. An open-ended Questionnaire from a Focus Group of the educated community (Lahore, Pakistan) also helped in the research, in order to formulate the recommendations, and draw the conclusions. The recommendations of this study can help to formulate some suitable policies for the future peaceful environment in the society, in general, and in Pakistan particularly. The researchers concluded that acquisition of Religious Tolerance is although a difficult milestone in the accomplishment of peace and harmony, yet awareness at grass root level can bring positive changes in the society.


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