سید مظفر حسین برنی اور کلیاتِ مکاتیبِ اقبال : تحقیقی مطالعہ

  • Dr. Muhammad Amir Iqbal


Iqbal's thought is a marquee of many virtues. To improve it, one must have full love for Iqbal. Many aspects of Iqbal's life are hidden in his letters. Though many experts of Iqbal wanted to collect and edit these letters, but this hard nut was cracked by Mr. Burni who edited and saved them in four volumes with extreme hard work and enthusiasm. Experts consider this work the most important and useful achievement which also shows Mr. Burni's expertise on the topic as there were no. of issues of dates, marks on them obscure the writing, Persian poems etc. He used his scientific insights and technical skills to complete this research work. The study of this article reveals the essence of a researcher's abilities, positive and negative opinions about Mr. Burni.Certified references and researchers' opinions are included in this article.
