کتاب ’’مسدسِ بدحالی‘‘تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ

جہلم، جنگ عظیم، میجر، پاکستان نیشنل سنٹر، فی الضمیر‘‘ ، ’’متاعِ ضمیر‘‘، ’’لاہور ترنگ، چراغ حسن حسرت

  • Mujahid Hussain
  • Ayesha Tabassam


Molana Altaf Hussain Hali wrote his evergreen and famous book knows as "Musaddas e Hali". Syed Zammer Jafari worte its parody under the title "Musaddas e Behali" but this paraody was mainly confined to title only. Inside the book, many socio-political topics were discussed int he form of poetry. In this artical, the writer has presented the critical analysis of this book.