ادبی تاریخ نویسی کی ضرورت و اہمیت

  • Saima Shakoor
Keywords: تاریخ ادبی تاریخ مؤرخ ادب و فلسفہ سیاسی و معاشی حالات


History of literature is a mirror through which we can see the reflection of collective and cultural spirit of any language and its speakers and writers. In literature all the cultural, political, social and linguistic aspects are knitted in a manner to make the whole a single unit and history of literature is the mirror of all such influences, attitudes, behaviours, tendencies and attributes. It ranges from political and economic conditions to moral values and social norms and trends of different ages. No art and artist can be separated from the prevailing conditions of any society. As the historian represents the prevailing conditions and happenings of his age. In the same manner a literary historian represents the whole social setup through his art and literature. The literary historian also keeps a close eye upon the social values and prevailing trends of his age just like the other historians.