دبستانِ دہلی کے شعرا کے ہاں تصوّرِ فنا

  • Hafiza Ayesha Saddiqa
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Haroon Qadir
Keywords: انتشار واضطراب ، عالم فانی ، شکستگی ، رنگ تغزل ، بے ثباتی وناپائیداری ، استغنا ، قناعت ، وحد ت الوجود ، زندگانی ، عیش جاوداں ، وطیرہ ، فنا و بقا


Tasawur e Fana is a mysterious and sheer truth which nobody can denies. Every poet has made this concept, the subject of his poetry. The poets of Dabbistan Delhi, who were influenced by Sufism, expressed this concept especially well in their poetry. They were well acquainted with the reality of this temporary world. They perceive Tasawur e Fana from different angles in different modes and tries to capture the Abstract feeling and emotions in palable Term. In this article an attempt has been made to briefly present the Tasawur e Fana of poets of Dabbistan e Delhi.