رسالہ انجمن قصور کا ادبی طرزِفکر___ تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ

  • Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman Meo
Keywords: سیرت النبیﷺ، شبلی نعمانی، آئزک نیوٹن ، ملکہ وکٹوریا, سنسکرت، قرآن و حدیث ، تقسیم،


The ''Risala'' was the representative magazine of Anjuman e Kasur, which proved its mettle by making discussions of various literary genres, the subject. The proceeding printed in it are a rare collection of history and literature.The "Risala", along with other contemporary magazines, took an active part in the development of Urdu language and literature. In addition to proceedings, the 'Risala'' also published dialogues, biographies and travelogues,which are a testament to its high quality. Articles on accuracy and refinement of language also continued to be a part of it. This article provides an overview of the literary style of the ''Risala''.