غالبؔ کی تقریظ نگاری

  • Muhammad Ikram-ul- Haq
  • Kaleem Akhtar
Keywords: مولوی فیروز الدین، ز مانہ جاہلیہ، عکاظ، پنج آہنگ


Takreez is an Arabic word which has been derived from the word Ukaz. In the era of darkness a fair was held in Ukaz where renwoned poets recited there poems. The best recited piece of peom was eulogized admirably by the president of this competition. His remarks were termed as "Takreez". The tradition of Takreez came in Urdu literture from Arabic language and literature. Writing of Takreez was practiced commonly in classical age of Urdu litrature. Takreez was written on books by well renowned men of knowledge in art and literature. Mirza Ghalib requested to write Takreez by various literary personalities and he also wrote it for a few books. The Quality of Mirza Ghalib is that he kept his individuality in Takreez writing. In appreciation Ghalib was not convinced of flattery.