عساکرِ پاکستان کے سفرنامے اور’’جینٹل مین اللہ اللہ‘‘

  • Dr. Tariq Mehmood Hashmi
  • Dr. Tariq Mehmood Hashmi
Keywords: اربابِ سیف و قلم، صدیق سالک، جنرل شفیق الرحمٰن، مجلس آرائی ، تادمِ تحریر، دجلہ


Travelogue is a part of none fiction prose in Urdu. It is very interesting point that many of the miltory officers have written travelogues which are very popular among readers. ‘‘Gentle Man Allah Allah’ ’ written by Ashfaq Hussain is travelogue of his stay in Saudi Arabia. Apparently it is look like humerous but it is written in a very serious style. Writer has presented some historical and mythological facts. He has quoted some pieces of poetry to make his narration impressive.