سید ضمیر جعفری کی شاعری:قومی اور عسکری حوالے سے

  • Dr. Muhammad Ashraf Kamal,
Keywords: میجر، فوج، شیر شاہ سوری، کارزار، لہو ترنگ، مافی الضمیر


Syed Zamir Jafri was a famous poet of Urdu. He was born first January 1916 in village, Chak Abdul Khaliq, located near Dina, and died on 12 May 1999. He was a best known Pakistani poet for his Urdu humorous poetry. Syed Zamir Jafri was not only a Urdu writer and humorous poet but also belonged to Pakistan army. In his poetry there are different dimensions and colors of poetic ideas and topics full of life.