A Critical Study of Syed Muzaffar Hussain Burni’s Iqbal Study

  • Dr. Amir Iqbal University of Sialkot, Sialkot
  • Dr. Mushtaq Adil University of Sialkot, Sialkot
Keywords: Syed Muzaffar Hussain Burni, Iqbal Studies, Urdu Literarture, Iqbal’s Philosophy, Iqbal’s Patriotism, Iqbal’s Letters


The specialists of Iqbal extended the way for new topics. Mr. Burni also explored a new corner and provided a new topic to the students of Iqbal Studies for research and criticism. Despite his professional responsibilities, he remained practically active for the improvement of Iqbal's thought. He preserved Iqbal’s letters in four volumes. The preface of the first volume is an authentic document of Urdu language and literature. He also delivered a lecture which was published in two books under different names with modifications and additions. Iqbal was a supporter of unity among different sects and religions. He had also quoted poems appropriate to the subject. Iqbal also studied Indian thought and philosophy in depth. He was a well-read man with a wide range of boundaries. Restricting Iqbal's thought can lead to misconception. Mr. Burni has given examples of Iqbal's patriotism. This article provides a comparison between the views of Iqbal and Burni. In this regard, this article invites students of Iqbal studies to research, critique and endorse.
