Mirza Athar Baig’s Ghulam Bagh: A Post-Neo-Colonial Reading

مرزا اطہر بیگ کا غلام باغ: مابعد نوآبادیاتی پڑھت

  • Dr Saira Irshad Lecturer, Department of Urdu, Govt. Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur
  • Nadia Kanwal MS Scholar, Department of Urdu, Govt. Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur
Keywords: Mirza Azhat Baig, Ghulam Bagh, Cultural Phenomena, Philosophy of Consciousness, Psychological Conflict, Colonialism, Post-Neo-Colonial, Enlightenment, Anarchism


Mirza Athar Baig is known for his unique style in Urdu fiction. In his novel "Ghulam Bagh" Mirza Athar Baig shows the essence of his best philosophy regarding the treatment of life, consciousness, self identity, characterization, psychological conflict and many other aspects. The philosophy of enlightenment is also present in the novel because enlightenment opposes outdated customs and preferences and considers collective human civilization as the ascension of humanity. Apart from power and domination, the philosophy of human relations is also prominent in the novel. The novel reflects the post-colonial era and the present era; therefore, modern technology and terms are widely used in the novel. Mirza Athar Baig has also experimented with several techniques. Cultural phenomena are central to postcolonialism, so it also studies the differences between colonial and colonized cultures. The novel is written in a post-neo-colonial style, which is different from the traditional style.


  1. M.Faster, Aspect of the Novel Printodin great britain, 192:19
  2. H.Lawrence,Nasir abbas niyar,Dr,Urdu ka afsanvi adab,Multan,baikan baks,1982,page 213.
  3. Athar baid mirza,ghulam bagh,Lahore,Sanjh publications,2006,flaip.
  4. Muhammad Amir suhail,no abadiyat ,Lahore ,Aks publications,2019,page 34
  5. Athar baid mirza,ghulam bagh,page 43.
  6. Aizan 88-89
  7. Muhammad Yasin ,Dr,Novel ka fan aur nazriya,Karachi,Fazli book,super market ,2013,Page 92s.
  8. Nasir Abbas Naiyar ,Dr,Saqafti shinakht auer istamari ajara dari.,Lahore sange meel publications,2014,30.
  9. Athar baid mirza,ghulam bagh,page 40
  10. Aizan,412
  11. Aizan,418
  12. Aizan,637-638