Iqbal: A Critique of Contemporary Education

اقبال  :عصر حاضر کے نظامِ تعلیم سے شکایات کا تحقیقی وتنقیدی جائزہ

  • Muhammad Saleem Sarwar Ph. D Research Scholar, Department of Urdu, National University of Modern languages, Islamabad
  • Prof. Dr Mushtaq Adil Head of Urdu Department, University of Sialkot, Sialkot
Keywords: Urdu Poetry, modern poetic style, Aesthetic, significantly participated, Modern Poetry.


Each nation has its own philosophy and objectives of life. The education system of every nation is built to achieve these objectives. Iqbal warns us not to replicate west in their systems as the Muslim Ummat has an entirely different view of life as compared to the western secular nations. His main critique on the contemporary education is from the same perspective. For Iqbal the very basic kernel of each Islamic concept and system is its relevance to the concept of Tawheed, and the main objective of an Islamic way of education is to strengthen its recipients’ personality and individuality. The main question is whether the contemporary education is relevant to our own ‘Deen’ and whether our teachers are being able to develop dynamic Muslims. This research is qualitative in nature and analyzes Iqbal’s educational thought through investigation of Iqbal’s relevant literature. A substantial portion of Iqbal’s work is on the development of individual and Muslim ummah, which is also one of the core objectives of education. Iqbal gives us clear directives for development of individual and what causes the failure in the development of the required vicegerent or Naib of the Creator. His complaint is directed towards the educationists and educational institutions in focusing on the western objectives of life and pinning down the students to petty matters of this life rather than focusing on its higher endeavors. Before Iqbal the objective of the education should be the development of highly dynamic human beings with the enthusiasm and excitement to prepare for great challenges of life in the cause of molding world order as required by our Creator.


  1. Muhammad Iqbal, Allama, zrb e Kalim, Lahore, Kapoor printing press ,1977, p.267
  2. Muhammad Iqbal, Allama, kuliyat e Iqbal ma sharah, Lahore, Maktaba Danyal,2014, p.342
  3. Muhammad Iqbal, Allama, zrb e Kalim, 1944, p.166
  4. Muhammad Iqbal, Allama, Asaraar e khudi, sharah ( Yousuf Saleem Chishti ) Lahore, Iqbal Acadmi,1944, p.31
  5. Salamat ul allah, Dr, Taleem, falsafah aur samaaj, Dehli , maktaba jamea maliya ,1974,p.16
  6. Muhammad Iqbal, Allama, kuliyat e Iqbal ma sharah,2014, p.391
  7. Muhammad Ali, Sheikh, Nazriaat o Afkaar Iqbal, Islamabad, National book Foundation ,1984, p.162
  8. Muhammad Iqbal, Allama, zrb e kalim, 1944, p.67
  9. Muhammad Iqbal, Allama, kuliyat e Iqbal (baal butchertown Jibreel), Islamabad, National book Foundation ,2014, p.368
  10. Muhammad Iqbal, Allama, zrb e Kalim, 1944, p.13
  11. Ibid, p.19
  12. Muhammad Iqbal, Allama, kuliyat e Iqbal ma sharah, Lahore, Maktaba Danyal p.156
  13. p. 125
  14. Salamat ul Allah, Dr, Taleem, Falsafah aur samaaj, Dehli , Maktaba Jamea Maliya ,1974,p.18
  15. Muhammad Iqbal, Allama, kuliyat e Iqbal ma sharah, p.254
  16. khwaja Hamid Yazdani, Dr, Saleem Akhtar, Dr, Sharah Armghan Hijaz, Lahore, Sang mil Publikishnz, 2004, p.93
  17. Ghulam Umar, Dr, Iqbal ka Insaan kaamil, Lahore, Maktaba Alia,1976, p.71
  18. Muhammad Amin, Dr, Hamara Taleemi bohraan aur is ka hal, Lahore, Idaara Mtboaat talba ,2010, p.21
  19. Ghulam Umar, Dr, Iqbal ka insaan kaamil, Lahore, Maktaba Alia,1976, p.75
  20. Hamid Yazdani, Sharah zarb claim, Lahore, Sang butchertown Mil Oblikshnz,1976, p.80
  21. Ibid, p.81
  22. Ibid, p.93
  23. Muhammad Amin, Dr, Hamara Taleemi bohraan aur is ka hal, 2010, p.20
  24. Ibid, p.33