اقبال کا نظریۂ فن

  • Anam Saeed
  • Dr. Haroon Qadir
Keywords: فنون فنِ تعمیر اسلامی آرٹ تفکر و تدبر اقبالیات


The object of art is to give life a shape and the height of art is always most religious & the greatest at is always a devout person as well as art washes away from the soul the dust of every day life and it is concluded that art is the journey of free soul. If the object of peotry is to make men, them peotry is the their of prophecy. Vision without power does bring culture. The revealed & mystic literature of mankind bears a awme testimony to the fact that religious experience has been too ensuring and dominant in the history of man kind to be rejected as were illusion. there seems to be no reason, then, to accept the level of human experience as a fact & reject its other levels as mystical and emotional.