اُردو غزلیات غالب۔۔۔ ترتیب ، تعداد اور اختلافِ نسخ

  • Dr. Samina Nadeem
Keywords: اردو غزل غالب اختلافِ نسخ دیوانِ غالب


Ghalib is universally known for the excellence of his Ghazal. This reputation mostly rests upon his one prevelent Dewan which is a selection containing only 1802 cuplet's. Ghalib actually wrote a large number of Ghazals which are spread over fifteen collections and Dewans, some of which are still in manuscript forms. His total verses are more than four thousand. In this Article Dr. Samina Nadeem has researched these aspects of Ghalib's Ghazal and brings forth many intersting and new dimentations. In this process she also compares the collected works of Ghalib including Nuskha-e-Arshi and Nuskha-e-Ashraf.