ڈاکٹر علامہ محمد اقبال کے تعلیمی افکار کی عصرِ حاضر میں افادیت

  • Azeemullah Jindran
  • Munazza Munawar Sulehri
  • Waseema Firdous Tariq


Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a well known poet, writer prose, translator and intellectual. Basically Iqbal was a man of education Scholar. Iqbal's speeches, essays and debates depicts on the different portion of education. The educational philosophy of Iqbal represents the material and spiritual needs. The educational idealogy of Iqbal gives us lesson that we should establish relation with Quran. According to Iqbal, education is an accurate medicine for the Muslims. We can get our lost status and respect after acting upon the Iqbal's educational deliberations and thoughts.