اردو شعراکے کلام میں وطن کی محبت اور آزادی کا تصور

  • Dr. Rahmat Ali Shad


The poetry of Urdu poets is pregnant with the ideas of love and freedom. Pakistan is an embodiment of the desires of the Muslim Ummah of the subcontinent . The Muslims made relentless struggle for the accomplishment of their dream i.e. freedom of Pakistan. Ultimately our extraordinary efforts of attaining a separate land bore fruit and Pakistan emerged as a sovereign state where we could sing the songs of love and freedom. Our country is truly a heaven on earth. Love for the country and freedom outtop everything . The people of high acclaim like Quaid -e-Azam , Meer and Sir Syed were forced to leave the homeland but they could not leave it owing to their love for the land. There are numerous poets and writers like Zafar Ali Khan, Hasrat Mohani , Jigar Murad Abadi , Afsar Merthi ,Asarar Ul- Haq Majaz , Allama Iqbal, Joosh Malih Abadi , Akhtar Sherani , Faiz and Ahmad Nadeem Qsami who have sung the songs of love and freedom for the homeland.