اسلامی فلسفہ اخلاق میں ابن مسکویہ کے نظریۂ سعادت کی اہمیت

Importance of Ibn Miskawaih's theory of gladness[In Islamic philosophy of ethics]

  • shfaqat ali Lahore University
Keywords: Ibn e miskawaih ethics


Abu Ali Aḥmad bin Muḥammad bin Yaʿqūb bin Miskawayh, commonly known as Ibn-e-Miskawayh is the Persian scientist, philosopher, and historian of tenth century, whose scholarly works became models for later generations of Islamic thinkers.  All his works are considered the basic source of the related subject, but his most notable contributions, however, were in ethics and history. His moral treatise Tahdhīb al-akhlāq, influenced by the Aristotelian concept of the mean, is considered one of the best statements of Islamic philosophy. The theory presented by him in this respect is called ‘As-Saa’dah’ that consists four elements; Wisdom, Shujaat, Iffat and Justice. He divided Saa’dah in two categories; primary Saa’dah and secondary Saa’dah. Primary Saa’dah is the moral perfection while the secondary is the theoretical perfection that means to attain the knowledge of God(insight in divine matters or metaphysical world) The style of the theory is philosophical, but the approach is practicable and purposeful. In this article, his theory of Saa’dah has been discussed briefly.

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