طوفانِ نوح سے متعلق قرآن حکیم اور عہد نامہ قدیم کی روایات: تجزیاتی مطالعہ

Noah's Deluge: An Analytical Study of Qura'nic and Old Testament Narrations

  • Muhammad Arshad
  • Sayeda Sadia
Keywords: Deluge, Noah, Qura'n, Old Testament, salvation, Relationship, Gratitude.


This article is about the historical and analytical study of Toofan-e-Nooh (Disaster in Nooh era) which shows the physical and the metaphysical power of Allah Almighty. The source of this study is the Holy Quran and old testament, the divine books. Quran-e-Hakeem chooses important lessons instead of numerical figures and historical details. The boat case of Prophet Nooh (A.S) shows the truthfulness and uniqueness of Holy Quran. The truthfulness of Holy Prophet Nooh is plainly coherently elaborated in the Quran while it has many contradictions in the old testament! The most important lesson mentioned in this regard is that the people who followed the Devine orders gained the respectable status in this world as well as in the life hereafter, whereas the disobeying people were destroyed and were made an example for their ascendant’s.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Arshad

Professor/HOD Islamic Studies Department, Govt. Postgraduate College, Mandi Bahaodine.

Sayeda Sadia

Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies Department, GC University, Sialkot

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