رسول اللہ ﷺ کا اناج اور دالوں کااستعمال اور علم غذائیت میں ان کی ضرورت و اہمیت

  • Nadia Alam University of Lahore


Islam is a religion which provides us guidance in all fields of life, and food is no exception. A major part of food that we consume is composed of cereals and pulses, and in form or another they are used as staple food all around the globe. According to nutritionist, cereals and pulses are an important source of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, which are essential components for the establishment and maintenance of human health. However, often these important nutrients are either wasted or not taken full advantage pertaining to lack of knowledge on how to use them in a proper manner. Thus, despite consumption of a lot of these components, their nutrition and efficacy are not properly utilized and despite eating plenty of food, quality health is not achieved. Rather, it opens ways to many diseases and abnormalities. In this article, a brief attempt in accordance with the principles of nutrition and medical research has been made to examine the cereals and pulses consumed by the Prophet (ﷺ). Thus providing a guideline to attain maximum health benefits by consuming these items as demonstrated by the holy Sunnah

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