روایات ِ سیرت میں محدثین اور اہل ِسیرکا منہج اور اختلاف کے اسباب

  • irfan ali Punjab University
  • Hafiz Muhammad Abdul Qayyume
Keywords: Key Words: Narrator, Biographer, Traditions etc


The traditions of the Seerah-Tayyeba differ because each Narrator (Mohadith) and Biographer has described the traditions in their own way. The present study describes the aim and purpose of Narrators (Muhaditheen) and Biographers. In fact, the purpose of the Narrators is to make the interpretation of Sharia according to their own meaning, while the purpose of the Biographer is to preset the circumstances and events of Seerah-Tayyeba in an organized and coherent manner and they follow the traditions according to their own style. Due to differences in the methods and the requirements of two sides (parties), ultimately the differences in the traditions. Moreover, the traditions of the Transmitters who describe the traditions of the Hadith and the Seerah are different because of the some particular reasons and factors. All that particular reasons and factors are being explained so that differences can be reduced by knowing the reasons for this differences.

Author Biography

Hafiz Muhammad Abdul Qayyume

Associate professor
Sheikh Zayed Islamic centre Punjab University Lahore

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