دلورام کوثری کی نعتیہ شاعری کا اخلاقی و تہذیبی رنگ

  • Mutahir Shah Hazara University ,Mansehra
Keywords: (کلیدی الفاظ: دلو رام، نعتیہ شاعری،سیرت،نمائندہ،مدح، حقوق، اخلاقی،حضورِ پاکؐ)



Prophet’s (PBUH) existence is the best example of humanity. All the personal belonging to different aspects and disciplines of life have recognized the proficiency of Muhammad (PBUH) and have offered their tributes to the Prophet (PBUH). In this regard, especially poets have contributed their utmost through their poetry. It is worth-noting and quite interesting that besides Muslim poets, Non-Muslim poet also have contributed their parts in praising Muhammad (PBUH).

Poets belonging to Hinduism, Christianity, and Sikhism have elevated Prophet Muhammad’s elegance in their poetry and other literary works. Dalu Ram Kousery is another illustrious figure whose poetry encompasses prophet’s (PBUH) praise. This essay throws light upon some of Dalu Ram’s poetry based upon Prophet’s (PBUH)’ praise.

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