اسلامی حکومت میں اقلیتوں کا تحفظ اورخوشحالی ، تشریع و تطبیق فقہِ اسلامی کی روشنی میں

  • Muhammad Akram nizami İslam
Keywords: minorities, Islamic jurisprudence, basic human rights, islamic tax


: Human rights violations and safeguarding the rights of the minorities is considered the most important issue these days, being the center point of all discussions related to international agencies and human rights activists. Islam has laid great emphasis on safeguarding the rights of minorities including safety of their lives and property. In this article I have tried to reproduce the text in light of Islamic jurisprudence from the Holy Quran and the sayings of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alihi Wa Sallam.) that makes it a duty on the Muslim rulers to ensure safety of their lives, property and safeguard all their human rights. I have also tried to bring relevant examples from history of the Holy Prophet, the rightly guided Caliphs and the Muslim rulers. They not only protected their rights but on occasions gave them preference over the rights of the Muslims. Islam takes full responsibility for the safety and protection of the minorities, being Dhimmies, in return to the tax called Jizia, collected by the Islamic state.

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