سیرت نگاری میں شاہ ولی اللہ کا منہج واسلوب

  • Samina Saadia Assistant Professor, Sheikh Zayed Islamic Center, Punjab University Lahore
Keywords: Shah Waliullah, Seerah, Hujja tul Baligha, Surur ul Makhzoon, Reformer


Shah Waliullah was one of the most influential figure among the reformers who were born in the Indian subcontinent. None of his specific book on Seerah but his famous work include Hujjah, Tafheemat e Ilahiya, Hama’at contain discussions about Seerat un Nabi(SAWS). In Hujjah he specified a chapter on Seerah consists of 6 pages. In this chapter he narrated almost all the events of Seerah concisely keeping in view the historical and chronological order. An in-depth study of his writing reveals the fact that he adopted a philosophical way, while narrating the divine wisdom and reasoning behind the events of Seerah. He deduced  unique and distinctive points from the traditions of Seerat un Nabi(SAWS).His Persian translation of "Noor ul uyoon" name as "Surur ul Makhzoon" is an important and valuable addition in the series of Seerah books. His valuable work on Seerah argues that Shah Waliullah was the prolific biographer of Seerat un Nabi(SAWS).

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