(الفساد في النشاط الإقتصادی (صوره وآثاره وعلاجه

  • Manzoor Ahmad Al-Azhari HITEC University Taxila Pakistan


“Corruption in Economic Activities, its Types, Effects and Remedies in an Islamic Welfare State

It means irregularity in any economic dealing and includes corruption in:

  • Individual Economic Activity.
  • Collective Economic Activity.
  • Commercial Activities.
  • Professional Activities.

This paper consists of the examples of the mentioned four classes, their effects and solutions in Islamic economics and concludes that:

  • The beginning of the renaissance should be from the induals.
  • Religious values should be revived in the conscious of people.
  • Encouragement of small business.
  • Reactivation of the zakat system.
  • Team work and scientific research is to be adopted preferably.
  • Obstacles from the way of Islamic economic block should be removed.
  • Research coordination among Islamic Economic centers world over.
  • Activation of the Islamic propagation to bring others to its light.
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