مشائخ سہرورد اور سماجی بہبود کی متنوع جہات

Mashaikh e Suharwardand Various aspects of social welfare

  • Saeed Ahmad
Keywords: Mashaikh Suharward


Before the arrival of the Sufis, the subcontinent was a field of disbelief, polytheism, oppression and injustice. In the subcontinent, humanity was hiding its face. The political system was chaotic. The kings had enslaved the people. Lawlessness was on the rise. There were walls of hatred between the people.With the death of the husband, the wife had to wash her hands of life by going through the ruthless ritual of satti. Humanity was overwhelmed with sighs and sobs. In this environment, the arrival of Sufis proved to be a breath of fresh air on the land of Subcontinent.

The Sufis, with their good morals, radically changed the condition of the subcontinent. They used good character instead of sword to draw people towards Islam and guide them on the path of guidance. With the arrival of Sufis, the wandering humanity of the subcontinent got guidance. Sufis taught respect for humanity and linked the creatures to the Creator.

This article will examine the aspects of social welfare of Mashaikh e Suharward. This paper will play a key role in eradicating the growing trends and attitudes of hatred, intolerance, prejudice, and extremism. it will also provide a new field of research for ethics and sociology researchers.

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