خواب ، تعبیر اور علمائے برصغیر کی مکتوبات کے ذریعے ان کی راہنمائی

Dreams and their interpretations: Guidance from the scholars of subcontinent through their letters

  • Nadia Alam University of Lahore
Keywords: Keywords: Sleep, Dreams, Muslim Scholars, Subcontinent, Epistles.


Sleep is an essential part of human life and in one way or another, the dreams that occur in it also have a significant place in human lives. Dreams, especially the good dreams, are also mentioned in Qur'an and Hadith. It is proven that the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ himself used to interpret them and his ﷺ holy companions and followers followed his ﷺ lead. In the context of subcontinent, the written literature of the region contains a considerable material (especially from the eleventh and twelfth centuries AH) on Muslim scholars’ explanation and interpretation of dreams. This article investigates the ways dreams were interpreted in the epistles of the religious scholars of that time. How did those scholars inform the addressees of their spiritual states and how did they guide them well through the written interpretation of the addressees’ dreams.

Keywords: Sleep, Dreams, Muslim Scholars, Subcontinent, Epistles

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