Impact of the Enlightenment Spirit on Buddhism

  • Hafiz Muhammad Abdul Qayyum Punjab University
Keywords: Impact, Enlightenment, Buddhism.


The maximum melodramatic fresh expansions in the Buddhism have been an emerging prevalent actions which risen since the Second World War. In the previous, Buddhist monastics provided educational and ethical leadership to society and the state, but today’s secular organizations have taken over these outdated teaching and wellbeing characters. In a worldwide culture with the Enlightenment spirit, new movements are emerging in Buddhism.

New Japanese Buddhist movements such as SōkaGakkai[1] are well known, and several groups have arisen in other Buddhist cultures, such as FoKuang Shan (FoGuangshan) (FKS) in Taiwan. According to religious scholar, Buddhism was founded in 1967 by a heavenly monk named as Shih Hsing-yun (Shi Xingyun). The initial Buddhism preached for working for the welfare of mankind instead of preaching of ‘rebirth’ after the death of the man.


[1]SōkaGakkai (Value Creation Society).

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