اصلاح قلب اور اسلام کا روحانی نظام۔ ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ

Reformation of the Heart and the Spiritual System of Islam:an Analytical Study

  • Imtiaz Begam
  • Zeenat Haroon
Keywords: Spiritual System, Purification of Heart, Islamic Code of Conduct


Heart is the central unit of human being, physically as well as spiritually. Physically, if the heart stops functioning, the chain of human life is cut off. Subsequently if the heart is spiritually sick, human being becomes the source of destruction and devastation for the whole society. This is the reason that cleansing of the heart has been declared as the basis of morality in the Islamic code of conduct. In this article, the condition and character of the heart is discussed in the light of Quran and Hadees e Nabwi ﷺ. Moreover, the article talks about how cleansing and correction of the heart is crucial to achieve high morality. Through numerous examples it has been proven that the purpose of spiritual system, which is made up of the love of God, the love of prophet ﷺ and piety, is the cleansing of the heart, because heart is the only organ in human system which has the strength and ability to absorb the enlightenment and the manifestation of God. Worship also achieves the status of acceptance if they are based on sincerity and good intentions. The source of sincerity and good intentions is also a pure and clean heart. We require the cleansing of the heart to make the society into a better place.

Author Biography

Zeenat Haroon

Chairperson, Department of Quran and Sunnah, University of Karachi

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