ترکوں میں میلادالنبی ﷺ کی روایت تجزیاتی مطالعہ

Analytical Study of Tradition of Meelad al-Nabi ﷺ among Turks

  • Recep Durgun
Keywords: Milad, Milad Ceremonies, Süleyman Çelebi


The Prophet Mohammad’s Milad (birthday) was adopted by the Turkish nation in a very short time after accepting the İslam and was performed with great respect, which included every element of his life, such as his birth, miracles, Miʿrāj (the ascension of the Prophet Muhammad into heaven), wars, and his statesmanship. There has been a considerable accumulation of Turkish literature related to the Milad genre, which has become an independent literary class with the passage of time. Prominent among them is the work of Süleyman Çelebi called Vesiletu'n-Nejat. This work become famous with the name of “Mevlid”. Initially, Milad was celebrated only on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday, which was loved in Anatolia and started to celebrate at every happy and sad moments of life in order to acquire merit. The main reason why the Milad tradition has become so widespread is the love of the Turks for the prophet. In addition, the melodiousness of the work and the beautiful interpretations of the mevlithans (chanters of the Milad) also played an important role in the popularization of this tradition. This tradition has been adopted more in rural areas than into the cities. The Turks also continued their customs during the Milad ceremonies which were permissible before Islam. Nowadays, the Prophet’s birthday is celebrated with enthusiasm all over Anatolia.

Author Biography

Recep Durgun

Selcuk University Department of Urdu Language and Literature - Konya- Türkiye


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