اسلامی بینکاری کو درپیش مسائل اور ان کا حل

Problems Faced by Islamic Banking and Their Solution

  • Muhammad Azhar Abbasi Lecturer, Minhaj University Lahore
  • Muhammad Mumtaz ul Hassan Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Minhaj University,Lahore
Keywords: Islamic Banking System, Problems, solutions


The practical difficulties in the implementation of Islamic rules and regulations in modern times are mostly faced in the field of law, trade and finance. If a person wants to make a transaction, it is necessary for him to establish a relationship with the bank. That is why the involvement of the bank in our life has increased so much that it is not easy to ignore it nowadays. It is almost impossible to imagine an economic system without bank. Interest is an integral part of the traditional banking system which had a negative impact on the economic system in every age. For the past few decades, the biggest challenge for the Muslim world has been to reform various financial institutions including Islamic Bank in order to bring them in line with Islamic law. This research paper aims to identify the nature, causes and conditions of problems faced by Islamic banking system and their solutions. The Analytical research methodology has been adopted in this study with qaulitative approach.The study perceives that the causes and conditions of the subject matter will be helpful for contemporary scholars in order to solve the challenges of Islamic banking.This article will first introduce the definition Islamic banking system and its main duties then the problems facing Islamic banking and their solutions will be presented


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