اشیائے خوردونوش میں الکحل و خنزیرکے استعمال سےمتعلق تحقیق و شرعی احکام

Analytical Study of the use of al-Cohal and swine in eatables

  • Ahsan Younas P U Lahore
Keywords: Physiological Phenomena, Edibles, Alcohol and Flesh of Pig


Man is composed of a physical structure and within is the soul. Soul is nurtured and developed by the physique and other physiological phenomena. Islam is very mindful about the spiritual demands that are entailed with the corporeal requirements. Only a healthy body can possess a soul or mind that may cause some valuables for an individual and for a nation afterwards.  Islam bestowed upon the follower the liberty towards all the edibles, but to avoid the things that are injurious to human body and soul. To take alcohol and flesh of pig as food, as all the physical sciences have investigated, are very harmful and devastating for not only physical health but would cause a very destructive spiritual disorder in human morality. This paper presents an analytical study of the Islamic commandments that can be helpful in the avoidance of the usage of the injurious products with alcohol and pig as food elements.

Author Biography

Ahsan Younas, P U Lahore

ph D


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