التكافؤ في ترجمة المعنى للنصوص القرآنية دراسة تحليلية

Difficulties of Equivalence in Translating Quranic Text

  • Muhammad Khurram Shahzad Lecturer, Arabic Department, AIOU, Islamabad
  • Lubna Farah Director Translation and Interpretation, NUML, Islamabad
Keywords: Religious text, difficulties of equivalence, SL to TL.


In translation the requirement of Equivalence needs on several levels: at Dynamic, Communicative, structural, Functional, stylistic, Linguistic level, …etc. most of the times translator remain uncertain to decide to which equivalent he should achieve. the present research will discuss the levels of its achievement while translating religious text from source text i.e., Arabic to English, the study follows analytical and comparative methodology. Will try to find out answer for the research questions: to which level the translator of Quran/religious text must give priority in equivalence level? Can equivalence be achieved at all levels? The results will show that it is required to prioritize equivalence level depending on text requirement, while translating religious it is very difficult to achieve accurate level of equivalence, but the translator try to get the meanings of text very close to source text.


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Arabic Articles