امام نسائی کا رواۃ کو مجہول الحال قرار دینے کے بارے میں اسلوب اور الفاظ (ایک تحقیقی جائزہ)

A Research Study of Imam Nisaee Terminologies and Styles in Majhool al Hal Rawat

  • Abdul Sattar Ph.D Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur
  • Munir Azher Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Sub Campus Bahawalnagar
Keywords: Sihah-Sitta, Narrators, Opinion, Trustworthy, Tajheel


Imam Nisa'ee is considered one of the narrators of  Sihah-Sitta who was well versed in the hadith as well as in the hadith. They have a special place in the imams of interrogating and correcting the narrators. The reason for this is that you are harsh in questioning the narrators and when you declare someone to be righteous, it is as if he is considered to be in a trustworthy position in your opinion. The imams describe different terms for cross-examination and modification of tajheel, by which the narrators are ordered to be cross-examined, after which their tradition is accepted or rejected, just as Imam Nisa'ee has defined specific terms for the modification and modification of narrators.  Similarly, in tajheel, you have mentioned different words for the tajheel of different narrators, which shows how careful you used to be while giving tajheel to a narrator.


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