دور جدید میں فلاح ِامت مسلمہ کے لئے مساجد کی اہمیت

The Significance of Masajid for the welfare of the Muslim Ummah in the Modern Era

  • Muhammad Shahzad Shaikh National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Karachi Campus.
  • Muhammad Irfan Nazir Assistant Professor & HoD Islamic Studies, Govt Degree Science & Commerce College, Korangi, Karachi
Keywords: Masajad, Resolution, Significance Wefare of Muslim Ummah


Prior to migration to Madina, Muslims faced severe restrictions on practicing their faith openly while residing in Macca. Consequently, they secretly assembled at the house of Arqam bin Abi Arqam for worship and education. As the hostility from the non-believers in Macca intensified, hindering not only their worship but also their ability to live in accordance with their faith freely, Muslims were granted permission to migrate initially to Abyssinia and eventually were commanded to relocate to Madina. Madina became the new homeland for the Muslim community. Upon their arrival in Madina, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) embarked on the first administrative task: establishing the foundation of the Prophet's Mosque. This mosque served not only as the central place of worship but also as a hub for various aspects of Muslim life, including education, spiritual remembrance, dispute resolution, and governance. It played host to important gatherings, such as imprisoning captives, gathering resources for jihad, and receiving foreign delegations. Even today, by reestablishing the mosque as a focal point for worship and addressing contemporary societal issues, Muslims can reap the same blessings, fostering unity and national security. This article examines the historical significance of the mosque, the importance of the minbar and mehrab, and its pivotal role in diverse aspects of Muslim life. It also offers solutions for addressing some of the present-day social challenges through the mosque's revitalization as a central institution.


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