تطبيقات إستراتيجيات الترجمة لـ " منى بيكر" في ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم

الترجمة الأردية لمعاني القرآن الكريم" معراج الإيمان" للشيخ محمد معراج الإسلام أنموذجاً (دراسة تحليلية)

  • Dr. Muhammad Nawaz IIU, Islamabad
Keywords: Applicability, Translation Strategies, Mona Baker, Translation of the Meanings of the Holy Qur'an, and Mihraaju ul Iman


Allah Almighty revealed the Holy Qur'an on the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with the message of Islam to take the humankind out of darkness into the light guidance. Translation plays an effective role to disseminate the divine message and the teaching of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to the humankind in various languages. Translating the Holy Qur'an is a challenging job. Only those scholars who have sufficient knowledge about the terminologies relating to Qur'anic studies in addition to other translation skills can carry out the translating process for Qur'an’s text.

This research paper primarily discusses the importance of translation to disseminate the teachings of Holy Qur'an to the humankind. It also focuses on the answer of the question about the legitimacy of the translation of the Holy Quran through some arguments based on the Qur'anic verses, Hadiths and Juristic laws. In addition to that, it highlights various challenges and problems facing translators while translating the text of the Holy Qur'an. It also deliberates some translation strategies and methods by Mona Baker to deal with these challenges indicating to some adequate solutions for rendering the text of Qur'an. It mentions some reasons that cause occurring mistakes while translating the text of Quran. It contains some recommendations and suggestions by mentioning some mechanisms at individual and collective level for taking initiatives towards the translating process for Quran’s text.



. صحيح البخاري ،كتاب الأحكام، باب ترجمة الحكام وهل يجوز ترجمان واحد؟ حديث رقم 7195، ص600.
. الحجرات 49، رقم الآية 13
. البداية والنهاية ج 5، ص 346؛ فتح الباري ج 13 ص 158، 159
.صحيح مسلم ، 3/ 1255.
.In Other Words: A Course book on Translation, Routledge, London,218,P.67

. البقرة، ٢: ٦.
. البقرة، ٢: ٧.
. النساء، ٤: ١٥٧.
. النساء، ٤: ١٥٩.
. النساء، ٤: ١٧٤.
. المائدة، ٥: ٤.
. التوبة، ٩: ٤٠.
. الحجر، ١٥: ٢٧

Translation Strategies: A Review and Comparison of Theories, by Zohre Owji, M.A
. بني اسرائيل، ١٧: ٨٠.
. بني اسرائيل، ١٧: ٧٨.
. بني اسرائيل، ١٧: ٨٢.
. النمل، ٢٧: ٧.
. الأحزاب، ٣٣: ١.
Procedures, techniques, strategies: translation process operators by Anna Gil Bardaji. Published online: 15 Oct 2009.
Arabic Articles