Economic Policies of Developed Countries in the Perspective of Islamic Teachings:

Counter Economic Terrorism Strategies towards Islamic Developing Countries

  • Kalim Ullah HOD ITC Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot campus, Pakistan
  • Aisha Perveen Assistant professor psychology department, National University of Pakistan, Islamabad
Keywords: Economics, Terrorism, Policies, Islamic, Developing


The real status of wealth in the Islamic perspective is just a worldly thing like all other things, which will be ended definitely with the ending of this mortal world. But no doubt that all the done deeds in this world will be there in the immortal world whether these are virtues or evils with rewards by Allah Almighty. As knowing that, this world is the biggest factory of mortal lives having unlimited necessities and yearnings of these same lives. And to fulfill the requirements of daily routine lives wealth is needed, therefore it remains in unending circulation throughout the whole national and international economic societies whether designated by Islamic or non-Islamic policymakers. But Islamic teachings prospect a fact phenomenon about finances.


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(57:11) Surah Al-Hadeed.
(2:212) Surah Al-Baqarah.
(2:276) Surah Al-Baqarah.
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