Surah Al-Fatiha (الفاتحہ) and English Translators

Ashfaq Ahmed

  • Ashfaq Ashfaq
Keywords: Quran, ,Fatīha, Sab'a al Mathāni, seven often repeated verses, Translators


Abstract As an introduction to the Holy Qur’ān Sūrah Fatīha creates a strong desire in the heart of the reciter for seeking guidance from Allah Almighty, Who alone can grant it. Thus, Sūrah al-Fatīha clarifies that the best appeal/prayer ( ) دعا for a man is asking for guidance to the straight path. There are also other names that describe the virtuous status of this Sū rah, such as: “Umm al-Qur’ā n” نٓ ام القرا (The Mother of the Holy Qur’ān), “Sab'a al Mathāni” سبع المثانی (the seven often repeated verses), and many others.
In the following study different English translations of this Surah are being critically analysed to understand the English version of this Surah and also to know the approach of English Translators regarding its diction and message. The selected English Translators are: Abdullāh Yū suf ̔Ali, Abdulmājid Daryābādi, Mohammad Asad, Taqiuddīn Hilali and Mū hsin Khan, George Sale, A. J. Arberry, and Muhammad ̔Ali.

Author Biography

Ashfaq Ashfaq

Assistant Professor Department of Islamic Studies, University of Sargodha, Bhakar Campus, Pakistan

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