Methodology of Juristic Compilations of Makhdoom Hashim Thathvi

(An Analytical Study)

  • Abdul Jabbar
Keywords: Jurisprudence, Hashim Thathvi, Great Research, Sindh


Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thathvi (1692- 1761)was an islamic scholar, author, philanthropist, and a spiritual leader who was considered a saint by his followers. He was the first ever translator of the Quran in Sindhi language.He also ran the office of the Chief Justice and remained the Governor of Sindh. Makhdoom was also a feudal lord and tribe chief. He was the leading Islamic theologian and the Imam of the Grand Mosque at Thatha. He engaged himself in missionary duties and was famous among Sufis. He wrote Madah Nama Sindh (a book about Islam in Sindhi society and culture), Dirham al-Surrat Fi Wada
al-Yadayn Taht al-Surrah (a book based on the Hanafi theology), AlBaqiyat as-Salihat (a biography of great Islamic figures) and other books. His religious guidance shaped Sindhi culture and Islamic tradition in Sindh. He was considered to be a leading expert authority on the Fatawa-e-Alamgiri. He belonged to the Qadri order of Sufism, and followed the Hanafi school of thought. He has a large following throughout the Muslim world specially in Sindh and Thattha district.Makhdoom Hashim wrote around 200 books, some of them are lost.Major part of his works related to Fiqh that has been discussed in this ar

Author Biography

Abdul Jabbar

Govt. High School 107 R/B Jaranwala, Dist, Faislaabad

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