The Grammatical and Semantics Study of Conjuction in The Quranic Sentences

Shafaqat Ali Al Azhari

  • Shfaqat_Baghdadi
  • Ali Akbar Al Azhari
Keywords: Conjunctions, Aarrangement, Sentence, Coordination, Engagement


The syntax and semantics study of conjunctions in The Quranic
sentences.This article explores the denotation of the very conjunctions
words ( )حروف العطف in the Quranic sentences, its archaic usage and its
various facts on its semantics. It throws light on the structure
changings and its basic formation and evolution as well. The
conjunctions words are (لا،ْلكن ،ْبل ،ْأم ،حتى ،أو ،َّثم ،فاء ، ).واؤ It is also worth
mentioning that Arabic conjunctions gives many benefits some of
them are (classification and gradation) arrangement (الترتيب), collection
(الجمع) , engagement (الارتباط أو الاستخدام), coordination, (الانسجام).It
would not be an exaggeration to say that conjunction contains a deep,
compact and long lasting association with Quranic sentence.

Author Biographies


٭Assistant Prof, College of Sharia, The Minhaj University,Lahore

Ali Akbar Al Azhari

Associate Prof, Department of Islamic Studies & Arabic, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore

Arabic Articles