Evolution of Urdu Translations of the Holy Qurān

  • Abbas Ali Raza
  • Saeed Ahmad
Keywords: Holy Qurān, Urdu translation, Sub-continent, Original Language, Arabic


The Holy Qurān has been translated in multiple international and local languages of the world for the better understanding of final divine message. Urdu is a major language in sub-continent and there are several translations of Holy Qur’an in Urdu. The origin and history of Urdu translations is still unknown in academic community. The purpose of this article is to trace the origin and historical developments of Urdu translations till present era. For this purpose historical method of research is applied that studies the meaning of past events in an attempt to interpret the facts and explain the cause of events, and their effect in the present events. The study traces the origin of Urdu translation from Dukkan period which consisted of incomplete translations of the Qurān. The second period of the translations starts from Shah Raffiudin’s first complete Urdu translation of the Qur’an. The third period starts from Deputy Nazir Ahmad’s translation that continues till present era.

Author Biographies

Abbas Ali Raza

Lecturer/Phd Scholar, Lahore Garrison University,Lahore 

Saeed Ahmad

Assistant Prof, Institute of Islamic Studies, Punjab University

Arabic Articles