امام ترمذی كى معروف اصطلاحات حديث کا تجزياتى مطالعہ

Analytical Study of Imam Al-Tirmiḍi's Famous Ḥadith Terminologies

  • Fahmeeda Bibi Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University Nerian Sharif AJK
  • Hafiz Muhammad Khan
Keywords: Islam, Ḥadith, Sunan-al-Tirmiḍi, Ḥadith Terminology, Imam al-Tirmiḍi


It is very necessary to comprehend Ḥadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to understand Islamic teachings. That is why the corpus of ḥadiths have been preserved through comprehensive research method. Muhaddithin have made relentless efforts to rigorously collect authentic ḥadiths and the Ṣiḥaḥ-e-Sitta is the result of those incessant efforts of pious and meticulous scholars. That is a collection of those six most authentic books of ḥadiths on the veracity of which the whole Ummah has full consensus. Sunan al- Tirmiḍi is one of those authentic books of ḥadith. From a utilitarian point of view, Sunan al- Tirmiḍi is of primary importance. Various terminologies have been used in it, which are usually used in legal examination. Imam Tirmiḍi has adopted a unique way of excellent explaining those terms in his book. Terms like Ṣaḥiḥ, Ḥasan, and Dhaeef (weak) have been explained in Sunan al-Tirmidhi, due to which the weight and strength of ḥadith can be easily judged. Imam Tirmiḍi also explains the names, titles, and patronymic (Kuniat) of the narrators along with famous circumstances of their time. In this study, an introductory but critical analysis of those terminologies has been presented with examples. The purpose of the study is to analyze how Imam Tirmiḍi has utilized these terminologies in his magnum opus.

Author Biography

Hafiz Muhammad Khan

Prof. Islamic Studies Department, Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif Azad Kashmir

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