Methodology of Imam Tabrani in compiling AlMujam Al-Kabir

  • Hafiz Naseer Ahmad
  • M.Abid Nadeem
Keywords: Muʿjam, Chronological Narrators, Mentors, Caliphs, encyclopedia


Abstract:Books written with reference to protection of Hadith, a kind of it, is Muʿjam ) (معجم in which Narrators, Leading Mentors, and the Tribes are described in chronological order. Abu’l-Qāsim Sulaiman ibn Ahmad ibn at Tabarānī (260-360h) is termed as the founder of this discipline. His book Al-Muʿjam al-Kabīr (المعجم الکبیر) is ranked as the encyclopedia of this branch of discipline. He starts the book from the Rightly Guided Caliphs with their order of rule and then mentions about al-`Asharaa al-Mubasharûn bi-l-Janna (عشرہ مبشرہ بالجنۃ). Names of the campanions of the Prophet (ﷺ) are mentioned in Alphabetical order. All campanions are explained with introduction, relation, attributes and qualities, date of death and their narrations. He mentions men prior to women. First he describes the daughters of the Prophet then wives and at the last other women. This book contains introduction of sixteen hundred (1600) narrators. 

Author Biographies

Hafiz Naseer Ahmad

Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, M.A.O College, Lahore 

M.Abid Nadeem

 Assistant Professor Department of Islamic Studies, GCU Lahore

Arabic Articles