The Reality of Ta'farrud in Hadith & How to Deal with it

  • Abdul Haseeb
  • Muhammad Irfan
Keywords: Hadith, Ta’farrud, Ilal ul Hadith, Laws of Ta’farrud


Abstract: Hadith Sciences are one of the best and noble fields of research as it is related to one of the primary sources of Islamic Law. The significance of research in Hadith increases with the fact that it is the only authentic way to reach to the true words of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him. Through this momentous science we can define easily what is true and what is wrong; this is the essential point which discloses the importance of the topic. In the sciences of Hadith Ta’farrud is of great importance. It is usually seen that when the word Ta’farrud is used, immediately people think of rejected Hadith and they think that the Ta’farrud Hadith is not acceptable. Ta’farrud has a deep relationship with Ilm ul Ilal. Ilm ul Ilal is the one of the most difficult subjects of Uloom ul Hadith. Muhaddetheen have used Ta’farrud in many different meanings in their books. In some places Ta’farrud means Shaz, while in some places it means Munkar, and in some other places it means Gharib and so on. In this paper I have attempted to present Ta’farrud in a brief but comprehensive manner so that the reader would have guidance in understanding Ta’farrud and would be saved from confusion.  

Author Biographies

Abdul Haseeb

Phd Scholar, Department of Hadith, International Islamic University, Islamabad

Muhammad Irfan

Phd Scholar, International Islamic University, Islamabad

Arabic Articles