The Evolution of Hadith Sciences

(from the Era of Prophet (PBUH) to Muqaddama Ibn-as-Salah)

  • Muhammad Waris Ali
  • M. Farooq Haidar
Keywords: Hadith, Hadith Sciences, Prophetic Era, Ibn us Salah


Sunnah is the second main and most important source of Islamic Law. Most of laws and instructions of the Holy Qur’an can only be understood in the light of Hadith and Sunnah. Hadith Sciences had started in its basic sense during the era of Holy Prophetﷺ . But it was not given any name as Hadith sciences etc. Different scholars discussed this science in their books partially like Imam Shafei in his book Al-Risalah and Imam Muslim in his Al-Jam-e-Alsahih. In forth century, first of all the great scholar and writer, Qazi Abu Muhammad Alram Hurmazi compiled a book by the name المحدث الفاصل. This is the first permanent book written in Hadith sciences. He mentioned most of the basic terms of hadith sciences in it. Then Imam Hakim Naisha Puri compiled Marefa Uloom al Hadith and Khateeb Bagdadi made great contribution in Hadith Sciences by writing different books. But Ibn e Salah’s works is notable in this field. He described all the information about Hadith Sciences in his book Moqadmah Ibn us Salah.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Waris Ali

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore

M. Farooq Haidar

M. Phil Scholar , Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore

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