اسلامی ریاست میں عوام الناس کو نظم و ضبط کا پابند بنانے کے اصول اورطریقے ) تعلیمات نبوی ﷺکی روشنی میں

ابو عمارمحمد علیم / معین الدین ہاشمی

  • Abu Ammar Muhammad Aleem ,Shah Moin-ul-Din Hashmi
Keywords: Principles, discipline, society, Nazm-o-Zabt


The survival of nations and societies mainly rests upon the rule of law. It simply means that a nation or government can never exist for a long time unless the citizens of that country abide by the laws. It depends on some fundamental principles. Most important of them are three, the first, is that there should be balance among rights and responsibilities and the second, is that an equal implementation of law over all the members of society be ensured and the third, is that laws should always be made in best possible interest and wellbeing of the society. The word “Nazm-o-Zabt” covers all these aspects. It emphasizes that the both areas of formation and implementation of law must be framed upon principals. There are number of instructions and practical examples in the life and teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW) for guidance of individuals, societies and the governments towards achieving a best level of the rule of law. Seerah and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) clearly draw the guidelines that how it may be ensured that the masses must abide by the rules.

This article, presents the examples from the teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and their comparison to our present society, tries to find ways that how can the obedience of masses and their confidence in the rule of law be win and a laws prone society be built for our future.

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