Education System Of A Welfare State

A Perspective of Islamic Concepts, International Treaties and Policies of the Current Government of Pakistan

  • Hafiz Sfarish Ali
  • Manzoor Ahmad al-azhari
Keywords: Education, Welfare State, Treaty, Recommendation, Pakistan


Learning is one of the distinctive features of human being. He is supreme creature and central figure in the universe on the basis of reason and knowledge. Being a final guidance, Islam puts great emphasis on learning which may be observed in the very first revelation of the Qur`an. Various international bodies have declared education as basic human need and right irrespective of any discrimination. The current government of Pakistan seems to make the country a welfare state and the prime minster continues to refer to the state of Madina as model for his government. Apart from other reforms, Education system also falls in top priorities according to the claims made by the prime minister. This paper will form some recommendations in the light of Islamic teachings, international declarations and Pakistan’s current govt. policies.

Author Biographies

Hafiz Sfarish Ali

Lecturer, Department of Arabic & Islamic Studies,GC University, Lahore

Manzoor Ahmad al-azhari

Associate Prof. Department of Islamic Studies, Hitech University, Taxela


Arabic Articles