اسلام کا تصور امن اور قیام امن کی جہات

Concept of Peace in Islam and its Scope

  • Muhammad Ramzan, Muhammad waris Ali
Keywords: : Peace, Terrorism, Religions of the world, Regional bigotry, Inspiration and Prosperity


This is the discrimination of Islam among whole religions of the world, that it is a religion of peace, fearlessness and security through its name, programme, manual and menifestation. It encourages every kind of immune, intimination, fate and misery. It gives inspiration and prosperity to security development and good governance in all departments of life. It gives its followers a lesson of love, humanity and non violance and strictly condemn the narrow mindedness and terrorism. In the modern era, the fate of the world is in discord and uncertainity position so the servival and security of humanity is only in one way, that they all adopt Islam as a conplete code of life and thus they can make this world a peaceful place. It is very important to promote love, service, justice and anthusiasm among each other. We should save society from target killing, provocation, terrorism, provincial and regional bigotry and ban the sectarian content. Modern studies are also taught along with religious ones in Deeni Madaaris.

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