Muhammad (PBUH) The Prophet of Peace and Mercy

  • M.Imran Anwar Nizami
Keywords: Muhammad (PBUH), Peace, Mercy, Islam


Hazrat Muhammad PBUH (ﷺ) is the prophet or peace and Mercy Allah says. وما ارسلنٰک الا رحمۃ للعٰلمین (Soratul-Anbiya:107)
"And we have not sent thee but a blessing for the whole universe."
It becomes clear that the personality of Muhammad (ﷺ) is not only unique, but slso a blessing for the whole world. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) athough had a great honour of being the head of all the prophets get he was symble of humbleness and peace. He brought a message of universal peace, a common brotherhood,  an everlasting bliss, provided one did away with the distinctions of caste, colour, creed and country and, by taking one,s stand on a common platform, helped humanity in striving to attain with the soul of the Universe. This article sheds lights that Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) is the prophet of mercy and peace

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