The Analysis of the Miracle: The Night Ascention by Prophet Muhammad (SAAS)

  • Abrar Hussain, Abdul Hameed Khan Abbasi
Keywords: Prophet, Muammad, Miracle, Night Ascention


From Prophet Adam (A.S) to Prophet Muhammad (SAAS), all prophets are equal in Risalat and Nabuwat. But the dignity bestowed upon Muhammad (SAAS) regarding the status, qualities, faculties and miracles. The followers of all the religions and scholars of every field admit this reality that the qualities of all the prophets are absoluteles concentrated in the personality of Prophet (SAAS). The Night of Ascension of Prophet (SAAS) is a great miracle of Prophet (S.A.W.W). It is described below so that the literate and keen people could illuminate the candle of Imaan through the praise, status and miracles of Prophet (SAAS).

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